Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Support the Military, I mean Public Transportation!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to have repeatedly requested military aircraft to transport her, her colleagues, and family all over the country. This report was filed by Judicial Watch, which obtained e-mails, and other documentation through a Freedom of Information request. The documents show that Pelosi has abused the system in place to accommodate herself, family, and congressional leaders. She has treated the U.S. Air Force as her own personal airline.

Not only would Pelosi make these requests, but more often than not they were last minute requests, followed by last minute cancellations. Calling to cancel after having a air force jet prepared. It also turns out that many requests have been made by her aides. In one e-mail, Pelosi aide Kay King complained to the military that they had not made available ANY aircraft the House Speaker wanted for the Memorial Day recess. "It is my understanding that there are no G5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable, the Speaker will want to know where the planes are," King went on to write that, "This is not good news, and we will have some very disappointed folks, as well as a very upset Speaker."

It would appear that not only does Speaker Pelosi treat the military as the Department of Transportation, but she shows very little concern for her "carbon foot print." Maybe, the speaker should show some concern for the economy, and use her millions to buy a plane ticket. That sounds like a good way to stimulate the airline industry. Nah, will wait to bail the airlines out with the third stimulus.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Iranian Long Range Missile.

Iran- The country's state Press TV reported today that Iran has test fired a new long range missile. AP reports that Iran often stages war games or tests weapons to show its determination to counter any attack by foes such as Israel and the United States. These two countries are two which have accused the Islamic Republic of seeking to develop nuclear bombs.

The Press TV report comes just a few days after a top Iranian military commander announced that Iranian missiles could now reach Israeli nuclear sites.

Israel, thankfully still has a back bone, they have said that they have not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails. This used to be a shared opinion with the U.S. However, now Pres. Obama has threatened to Engage Iran in DIRECT TALKS if it will "unclench its fist".