Friday, June 26, 2009

Never fear Obama's here.......ah crap!

I am so glad that we have Obama as our fearless leader. He has traveled around the world apologizing for the accomplishments of the greatest nation in the world, and basically condemning the American way of life. We've heard for months now how the world loves Obama, the world respects Obama, and the world desires to work with Obama. Yet it doesn't appear that all the world respects the "great uniter", and they definitely don't fear him. Check out the articles linked below.

N. Korean holds anti-U.S. rally in Pyongyang's main square where 100,000 N. Koreans shouted "Lets crush them."

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for an apology from Obama. So far the Bamster has not given it to him.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Cash for Clunkers" passed!

I found this slightly interesting and thought that I would share with everyone else. In reading over the nights headlines I came across the heading "Cash for Clunkers" program gets passed. The bill passed by a margin of 60-36, and will give $3500-$4500 in incentives to motorists that trade in "gas guzzlers" for more fuel efficient vehicles. Now I'm gonna look past the whole government trying to slowly regulate and control what you drive. Instead I would like to point out the fact that this bill may not have pass through the house and senate on it's own, but rather it is tacked onto a $106 billion war spending bill. Now, who wants to wager bets that if senate republicans had of really fought this hard, they would have been thrown under the bus by the Prez and the dems. I mean this is what we would have heard on the news from the aforementioned people....."House and senate republicans oppose war spending bill that would keep troops safe." Now we will be told that this is the beginning steps to rebuilding/saving GM and Chrysler, but it is also closely related to the beginning steps to pushing through the cap and trade global warming bill. Just thought I would share my thoughts on this, and maybe hear back from some of the new readers.