Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Obama: "I must earn troops trust."

A few days ago Obama had a reversal on the war in Iraq. He said that he would call together his joint chiefs of staff, and give them instructions to end the war now. Now that sounds firm, and I'm sure the anti-war left went nuts. However, for those that don't know the joint chiefs of staff have nothing to do with whether or not we stay or pull out. They don't have anything to do with the organizational charts for military operations in Iraq. They are completely separate from their respective services. (Each branch has a chief: Army chief, Navy chief, etc.) They are in place to advise the president, but are not at all part of the commander structure. They are not even allowed to participate in command structure, and this is to ensure that they stay independent and neutral. Yet the man that wants to be your next president does not know this himself. Of course he is flopping around out there as usual with his "well what had happened" or "what I meant was", and as usual the media gives him a pass. However the Obama train wreck does not stop with that comment.

Obama in his attempts to try and land some favor with military minded voters said "I have not served in uniform, I am somebody who strongly believes that I have to earn the trust of the men and women in uniform. I don't presume that from the day I'm sworn in,
(pretty confident isn't he) every single serviceman or woman suddenly says 'This guy knows what he's doing.' I have to display those qualities of leadership in listening, in standing up for our military on some of the critical issues. I have to deliver on my promises so that relationships and trust are built. So that the people of the armed services feel I care, and not just like I'm looking to score some cheap political points."

Now all that would be believable if he displayed any interest whatsoever leading up to this point, but he hasn't at all. In fact Obama has spent time doing nothing but talking about pulling out/ending the war. He talks as if there is no progress. Obama has done nothing but spew lies, or support efforts to undermine all the progress that our military has made. However the positive news that has come out of Iraq as of late has caused Obama to flop around like a fish on dry land. The evidence of this is clear and simple. In one week he talked about telling his joint chiefs how to end the war immediately, and then tells the Military Times that he wants to earn and build this relationship with the military. So somebody please explain this to me. How does one earn trust or truly support someone in this manner?

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