William Ayers:
- Leader of the 60's and 70's domestic terrorist group Weathermen Underground.
- Summed up the theology of the Weathermen Group as "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars, and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents."
- Participated in the bombings of: NYC Police Headquarters, the Capital building in 71, the Pentagon in 72.
- Currently a professor of eduction at the University of Illinois.
In the mid 90's, Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorhn, hosted a party to introduce their friends to a young politician by the name of Barack Obama that was running for the Illinois Senate.
Obama later went on to serve as a chairman for a radical educational board called the CAC (Chicago Annenberg Challenge). A board that Ayers used to push his radical thoughts, and opinions of "teaching against the oppressions of this country." It was through the CAC that Ayers, and Obama, contributed money to ACORN (Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). This was done on behalf of the Obama presidential campaign, and ACORN was to register voters for the upcoming election. ACORN which has recently committed several acts of voter registration fraud.
During Obama's time as the chairman for the CAC over $600,000 was donated through the CAC to other orginizations founded by Ayers. These foundations are run by Mike Klonsky a former top communist activist, and the former leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
Seems like great company for a possible president to be keeping, and bit of a trend with company that "great one" keeps. This man does not care about this country, and its great history. Barack Obama cares about power, and being the man that holds the power. God forbid he should obtain that power, because he will ruin this great nation that we love.