Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stop The Bleeding!

My normal optimistic attitude is not gone. I am not completely worried, but as a coach it's getting close to that point where you have to call a timeout. You have to bring the guys over calm them down, and get them focused back on the task at hand. It's the start of the fourth quarter, and your opponent is gaining momentum. You brought in the star player, and then you don't get em the ball. That seems to be whats going on with McCain and Palin. We were behind in the polls, and he pulls Palin off the bench to change the game. Which is what she did, and she produced a comeback. She provided a lead, and sparked excitement for the whole team. Now, do we go to the hot hand? Do we continue to follow her lead? NO. Instead we send her west, we hide her at times, and we don't allow her to get in front of the camera nearly enough. I don't understand this strategy at all. Instead of setting the pit bull loose on the media who she has handled wonderfully, and answered all their questions perfectly, we hide her away.

The second thing that's, driving me absolutely crazy, is the free pass McCain is giving the democrats. He refuses to give blame where blame is more than due. McCain should be calling out every one of the liberal democrats that caused this financial mess. Hold their feet to the fire, and expose them for what they are, FRAUDS!

I understand wanting to fix the problem at hand. However, you have a gift laid in your lap, and you refuse to open it. All the lies, and scandals that are sewn up in this fannie and freddie mess are out in the open. The deceit of these GSE's are his for the exposing.

So with his refusal to turn Palin loose, and refusing to offer the heads of responsible parties, to their angry constituency. This combination has provided a drop in the polls, and in states where he's ahead, the lead shrinks. He refuses with Obama to listen to the people that don't want this bill. He refuses to expose these former employees of Fannie, and Freddie. These people should be prosecuted, and embarrassed. They should be treated like a republican that has done something wrong. They should be sent to prison like a republican certainly would have been. Paraded in front of the public on the evening news, and embarrassed.

"McCain the Maverick" needs to wake up before this election passes him by, and leaves him laying along side the road with former republican candidates that refused to fight. (dole and papa bush part deux) Becoming a punching bag is not admirable. You are a fighter. People love and respect you for being a fighter. They want you to win. So give the people what they want.

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