Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Day No Bail Out!

"High taxes and excess spending growth created our present economic mess; more of the same will not cure the hardship, anxiety, and discouragement it has imposed on the American people. Let us cut through the fog for a moment. The answer to a government that's too big is to stop feeding its growth." Ronald Reagan.

These are wise words. These words have not been uttered before the house or senate members during the past two weeks. Instead we have heard about $700 billion bailouts, and inserting more regulators to regulate the private sector. The talk that greed in the private sector is what caused this mess is absolutely outrageous. If the greed is found anywhere it is on Capital Hill. That is where the likes of Chris Dodd, Barnie Franks, and Bill Clinton started this mess in 1998. (Not to mention they got rich doing so.) Clinton wanted to put everybody in a house, because everyone no matter your credit score, employment, or financial history deserves to own a home.

We all see what happens when the thought of working for something, and earning it yourself is replaced. Replaced with the idea that "it's my right", and "I deserve it". So here we are in a situation brought on by corruption in government agencies. (surprise, surprise) We have discovered forged financial documents, failed housing policies, and corrupt politicians. Now, who is expected to fix this? The American tax payer. The people that work hard to earn what they have, and even harder to keep it.

So instead of personal accountability, and responsibility for your on own debt. The government wants the American taxpayer to pay the bill. Government is like that guy that takes you out to the fancy restaurant, orders the most expensive thing, and encourages you to do the same. Then the bill comes, and oops, I forgot my wallet. It might happen once, but the second time he's washing dishes. Which is what we need to do as taxpayers. We should write, phone, e-mail, and fax our representatives. Tell them that this is wrong, and we are not going to pay for it.

It's time to stop feeding this giant government every time it gets hungry for more. Ronald Reagan's practices were right then, and they are still right today. If put into practice again they will produce the same economic boom that we saw during the Reagan era. I keep hearing that this is a bi-partisan mess, but facts say something else. Take a look yourself.

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GSE = Government Sponsored Enterprise (a.k.a Tax Payer Sponsored Enterprise)
OFHEO = Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight

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