Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prayer.......What Prayer?

Today President Obama decided that he was going to put some distance between himself and "PRAYER." The Obama White House announced today that the President was doing away with a early morning service, and not attending a large Catholic prayer breakfast the next morning. The only action that will be taken by Comrade Obama will be to sign a proclamation honoring the day, which was started in 1952 when Congress set aside the first Thursday in May for the observance.

For 8 years former President Bush invited Christian and Jewish leaders to the White House East Room, where a short speech would be given and several leaders would say a prayer. Press secretary Robert Gibbs said yesterday that the president is simply "reverting back to pre-Bush administration practice." "Prayer is something that the president does every day, We're doing a proclamation, which I know that many administrations in the past have done."

Now correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to recall the last address to the nation ending with "God bless America." This administration doesn't want to associate itself with anything that could be considered right wing, but that can't be because Obama's the great uniter. Yet the country grows more polarized. If you listen to the daily news cycle and the Obama administration versions of whats going on in the world, one would agree that if we need anything it's prayer. Yet in a time of need, in a time of recovery, in this time of unrest with our enemies in the world, our leader turns his back publicly to prayer? Obama will fly all around the world to apologize for our greatness, shake hands and rub elbows with dictators, but puts the breaks on when it comes to prayer. No matter how it's spun, and it will be spun in about a million directions, Obama showed his true character with this decision.

I heard this question today and you can let me know what you think, "The say President Obama prays privately. I won't doubt that! But does he pray to himself?"

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