Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bio-Fuel Good for the Enviroment, and our Futures?

Every day we here more about energy independence, corn fuel, and carbon emissions. We are told that if we had more "jetson" cars, and more corn fuel we would be well on our way to ridding the world of those evil oil companies. I know that I for one am tired of living with the guilt that comes with driving a gas guzzling world killer. So I am proud to say that I am here to further the movement of Corn cars, and that alone will make the world better for our children. (Cant forget the kids, that would be cruel.)

Lets look at the full "life cycle" of bio-fuel consumption from land clearing (gasp) to automotive consumption. The moderate emission savings are completely uprooted (no pun intended) by way larger emissions from: deforestation, burning, peat drainage, cultivation, and soil carbon losses. Here's an example, for every ton of palm oil produced the result is 33 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. (that's 10 times more than good ol petroleum.) Also clearing of tropical forest (egad!) for sugar cane fuel emits 50% more greenhouse gases than the production and use of the same amount of GASOLINE. Lets not forget that growing the crops for these agro-fuels require large applications of petroleum based fertilizers, and since agro-fuel has double in production that means those fertilizers have double in # of applications. You see that might not sound so bad except the fertilizer gives off nitrous oxide, and that's a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than the evil "carbon dioxide".

Alright maybe I was a bit hasty on furthering the cause of the corn car, but I mean I was concerned about the children. However I think now we should erase those pesky child labor laws, and start drilling and refining more old fashion Texas T. I mean not enough kids know the value of a honest days work anymore.

Check back soon when I share with you what E-85 gas does to the normal combustion engine. Meanwhile call your congressman and senator. Tell them you want to drill for your oil in your country, build new refineries, do away with ridiculous gas taxes, and start to bring down gas prices the right way. They work for you, and it's time that they remember that. We can limit their power, but only if we stand up to voice our opinions. We are a republic!

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