Thursday, May 29, 2008

This Week in Liberal Hypocrisy!

Just a few points of hypocrisy to throw your way. I hope that you see the unbelievable nerve of these people. You'll see what I mean!

* Liberals want to make it so any 13 year old should be allowed to have an abortion, and do so without her parents consent. Yet, the same liberals want you to be 22 to possess a weapon. Therefore, you're old enough to make the incredibly permanent and powerful decision to submit your body to an abortion? But, your not old enough to possess a weapon to protect your life or your property. Republicans agree with no weapons for children, and especially if some of those weapons call themselves Doctors.

* Since we are on the subject of abortion, and so called Dr's. Liberal Doctors are now stating that the death penalty via a hypodermic needle is "cruel and unusual punishment". They say that assisting in these legal actions would be against their Hippocratic Oath. So a Dr can suck the brain out of a baby's head that is sticking out of a birth canal, but they have a problem inserting a needle into the arm of a proven murder?

* How about a liberal that opposes "big" oil, and defense contractors by the name of Michael Moore. Michael Moore calls oil companies and defense contractors "war profiteers", but Moore owns shares in Halliburton, Honeywell, and Boeing. (all of which he supposedly opposes.) Michael Moore also is a big supporter of labor unions, but when Moore makes a propaganda film he does his post production work in Canada. Michael Moore does this so that he doesn't have to pay union wages like in the United States. This way he can keep production costs down. I'm sure his movies are 100% fact!

Remember as the good liberals say: "Do as I say, Not as I do."

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