Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Barry Obama Now the Nominee.

Obama has done it, and Clinton seems to be willing to be VP. As unlikely as I think that is, and as much as that will be discussed over the coming days I would like to focus on "The Obama." That's right "The Obama" I figure that's fitting since he is the "savior" of the Democrat party. Also fitting because he was endorsed by "The Oprah." Although she seems to have disappeared over the past few weeks I am sure that she will be heading back out on the campaign trail for him soon. Now whether or not this is good for him remains to be seen. But I am sure there will be more open mouth insert foot moments for "The Obama" in the months leading up to the election.

That's right the candidate known as "The Magic Negro" (courtesy of the L.A. Times), "The Obama", or Barak "Barry" Obama (courtesy of The Limbaugh Letter) is no stranger to saying stupid stuff. Let me just show you a couple examples of these little "uh what had happened, uh what it was was" moments. Some would call a few of these...lies, but that's not possible when your the Democratic Party Messiah. You decide.

* On the anniversary of the March 1965 "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, Alabama, Obama speaking at a church said his parents got together "because of what happened in Selma." Well maybe the Obama family has mastered time travel as well. Especially since they were together before he was born, and Barry was born in 1961.

* Obama told Larry King on CNN... when asked about the anti-Hillary Rodham Clinton YouTube ad, a doctored version of a spot created for Apple computers....."We don't have the technical capacity to create something like that." Really so the same campaign staff that designed movie quality commercials, couldn't make a edited version of an already existing commercial. I mean know teenagers across the country do it everyday, but apparently that is to challenging for "The Obama" campaign staff. You might find it interesting that eventually it was discovered that it was a Obama campaign person that came forward as the creator. And surprise surprise Barry had no idea, but dismissed him immediately.

* This one is priceless, and keep in mind Barry was tired. May, 2007 Barry drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 people had died. The actual death toll was 11. He said "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. 10,000 people died an entire town was destroyed." Barry said this to a group of 500 people packed into a sweltering Richmond art studio at a campaign stop. Realizing his lie, I mean gaffe, Barry said afterwards (mind you not while any of the 500 people were around) "There are going to be times when I get tired, There are going to be times when I get weary. There are going to be times when I make mistakes." Barry spokesman Bill Burton said that Sen. Barry meant to say "at least 11" instead of 10,000.

Well maybe "The Obama" just has problems with numbers. Like this one from just a month ago.

* In Oregon, Barry is talking about the long journey of the campaign trail. "It's wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we have covered every corner of the United States. I've been in I think 57 states with 1 left to go. Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it." Are you kidding me?? I know this is tough, and I understand that you are under a lot of scrutiny. But if this was George W. Bush we would not hear the end of it. However, you might find this funny, there are 57 Islamic states. Hmmm.

* "The Obama" also has a 6th sense, and displayed it this past Memorial Day. In a speech on Memorial Day he said "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience here today. Our sense of patriotism is particularly strong." This guy is seeing dead people, and people are worried that McCain might develop Alzheimer's.

It must be nice for a presidential candidate to be able to say whatever he wants, and be shielded by the media. I am glad to know that they give the same support to all the candidates and the current President. Err wait!?!

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