Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tarheel Conservative: View of 2008 Election Issues

Bring Back The Love For The True American Way of Life:

As I watched the news over that past two weeks, and as I have resisted the urge to write. The urge to comment on things that I see in the different media outlets. Several things have become more evident about this current election year. There is a lot of talk about "the issues" that are important to you, and the rest of the American public. However, the American public seems to be divided in a way that is nothing but destructive to our way of life. I know that most Americans love their country, believe in the greatness that is America, support our military, have great respect for our flag and our founding fathers. Yet these ordinary people are looked down upon and called out dated. This happens because the liberals in this country lust after the European way of life. These people feel like America is the "evil" bully on the world block, and that the founding fathers of this great nation were out of touch, racist bigots. However these opinions and teaching have become more popular in levels of higher education. These mindless teachings saturate the media, and the entertainment industry. In the past few years alone we have seen how these revisionist teachings have entered into everything from the American Bar Association to churches (enter in Rev. Wright).

What This Country Needs:

We need leaders that can restore to Americans' an understanding of the Constitution, and our nations history. We need leaders that will educate citizens about the role religion, and moral values have played in this nations history. Leaders that will inform citizens on why those same morals and values are completely applicable in our country today. We need leaders that will bring back the limited government that our founding fathers created. Leaders are needed to promote the importance of teaching young Americans real U.S. History, and the importance of the United States Constitution. These are teachings that have been left out of the school systems for to long, and if they have been taught they have been taught in a revisionist manner.

A National Language:

We need politicians that will end the federal requirements for bilingualism: in schools, voting boards, and other government functions. Now granted people should be free to speak any language they like in their personal lives, but English should be declared the national language. We should be a nation of one people not an assortment of competing hyphenated-Americans. The common language helps unify citizens as a nation, and also provides immigrants today with a connection to traditions of their new adopted home.

This is just the first of a few issues that I feel will be important issues in this years election. Topics that I think will be in the spotlight as we head into November.

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