However on the home front there were no politicians using the sacrifices of that day for their political advantage. There was nothing like what we see today with the war in Iraq. There were no senators or congressmen/women declaring the war hopeless or a failure. You see they just didn't do things like that, because they didn't want to demoralize the troops.
They weren't trying to undercut the President at the time, F.D. Roosevelt. They stayed true to the mission, and lets pray that our troops are allowed to finish their mission. War is ugly and violent. In war things get broken, blown up, people get hurt, people get killed, and it just might be that some of us are too tender to deal with that. There are still plenty of these great patriots around, and they are known as the "Greatest Generation" for a reason. If we do anything, lets look back on the history of these brave men, and learn what courage, honor, and patriotism truly mean.
Hopefully you will be able to read this message from Gen. Eisenhower. You can see the focus of these brave men.
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