Thursday, June 5, 2008

Presidential Qualities or Hipness?

I've been hearing a lot about the fist bump exchanged between Mr. and Mrs. Barry Obama the other night. Barry said that even though things get tough and stressful out on the campaign trail that he and the wifey still find time to do silly things. That is understandable and respectful that you would want to keep some normality to your life. However as they tend to do, and do so well, the talking heads in the drive by media have analyzed and over analyzed this gesture. Now again this is strictly my opinion, but I keep hearing repetition in the news cycle that this was a hip gesture. A hipness that Barry possesses that no other candidate, nay president has ever possessed. Now I know we have all heard about Barry's energy and charisma. We have heard the talk of his campaign stops being like "Rock Concerts", and he's like a "Rock Star".

Now I can understand where this might be appealing to the MTV Rock the Vote crowd. However the MTV crowd doesn't turn out consistently to vote. Now having said that when they talk about Barry's ,hipness or rock star charisma, who do you think they are trying to appeal to? Not only that but since when is being "hip" a great presidential quality? When we look back through history at situations that this country has faced and overcome; where are the situations that would have been handled better had the president at the time just been more "hip".

I know qualities like: Moral courage, great communication skills, great judgment, general maturity, trustworthiness, and reliability are foreign to Barry's friends in the drive by media. I would dare say that the majority of the list escapes Barry himself but he is Hip. I mean being hip will certainly help this country out in times like: war, national disasters, financial hardships, appointing Supreme Court Judges, and dealing with evil dictators that would like to do nothing more than kill anything American.

I know if Barry is the next Prez (its hip, work with me) he can call his dawgs: Kim Jung-Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, and Castro's little bro over to the White House for a dance off to decide who gets to help bring us down as a nation first. Then once its decided they can all bounce, and give each other fist pounds on the way out the white house door.

So as far as hipness goes, and its importance to being the next leader of the free world, does it really matter?

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